Effects of LI.4 acupressure and cold application on behavioural responses to pain and physiological parameters among infants receiving intramuscular injection: a randomized controlled trial protocol
Acupressure, Cold application, Pain, Intramuscular injection, Vaccination, Behavioural responsesAbstract
Background: Vaccination protects children from many diseases. However, it often causes anxiety and distress for them despite its benefits. This trial aims to assess the effect of acupressure (Li.4) and cold application on pain and physiological parameters in children getting intramuscular injections.
Methods: The study is designed as a randomized controlled trial with a crossover approach. Participants who meet the inclusion criteria will be randomly divided equally into two groups. Group I (85) and Group II (85). Using Sequentially Numbered Opaque Sealed Envelops (SNOSE), each infant will act as their own matched control. In the first sequence, group I will receive acupressure, and group 2 will receive cold application. In sequence 2, interventions will be switched. Pain level and infant distress will be measured using NIPS and infant distress scale respectively, physiological parameters, such as oxygen saturation and heat rate, will also be recorded using pulse oximeter.
Conclusions: Reducing vaccination pain helps prevent long-term negative effects on children’s health. Practitioners are responsible for managing pain during procedures using simple and cost effective and quick relief methods.
Trial Registration: CTRI: CTRI/2023/11/060179.
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