Determination of minimal inhibitory concentration of citric acid as a root canal irrigant against E. faecalis and C. albicans
Citric acid, C. albicans, E. faecalis, Root canal irrigantAbstract
The clinical success of primary teeth endodontic therapy depends strongly on attaining prepared root canals with sufficient disinfection levels. Therefore, using natural or chemical cleaning agents to properly clean the root canals is becoming more and more important. With little to no impact on the organic components, citric acid is effective in dissolving the smear layer and the inorganic components of root dentine. Study included the custom preparation of citric acid to 3 different concentrations-6,8, and 10%. MTCC strains of C. albicans and E. faecalis were cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose agar plates and blood agar respectively. Three wells each were prepared on cultured plates and the solutions of citric acid was inoculated into them. The zone of inhibition was noted after 24 hours in each plate. The greatest zone of inhibition will be determined in each of the plates and the concentration was recorded with E. Faecalis and C. Albicans. The lowest concentration of citric acid that is capable of inhibiting bacterial growth will be taken as the minimum inhibitory concentration of citric acid against the respective organism. 8% concentration of citric acid can be used as an irrigant and gives a greater inhibition zone almost as much as that of 10 % citric acid.
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