Pattern of abnormal uterine bleeding in a tertiary care hospital
Abnormal uterine bleeding, PALM-COEIN, Heavy menstrual bleedingAbstract
Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a significant clinical entity. Aim of the study was to observe the pattern of AUB in tertiary care hospital.
Methods: All patients attending gynae OPD and ward presenting with AUB were included in the study.
Results: A total 640 women had AUB in one year of study period. Highest incidence of AUB is observed in the age group 40-49 years. The most common clinical presentation of AUB was metrorrhagia followed by polymenorrhoea, menorrhagia, menometrorrhagia, oligomenorrhoea and hypomenorrhoea. On ultrasonography the commonest finding was leiomyoma uterus (28.15%) followed by increased endometrial thickness (18.46%). The most common histological pattern was proliferative endometrium (34.10%). According to PALM-COEIN classification the maximum incidence found was of AUB-L followed by AUB-O.
Conclusions: The prevalent causes of AUB vary with age. So, all the patients presenting with AUB to gynaecology departments were included in the study irrespective of age. The information presented in this study adds to our understanding of patterns of the AUB.
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