Safety and efficacy of Placida® (fixed dose combination of flupentixol 0.5 mg and melitracen 10 mg) in comparison to escitalopram 10 mg and clonazepam 0.5 mg in patients with comorbid anxiety and depression: a randomized, double blind, double dummy, parallel group clinical trial
Anxiety, Flupentixol, Melitracen, Escitalopram, Clonazepam, DepressionAbstract
Background: Individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) commonly present with comorbid anxiety and have greater depressive illness severity and chronicity, more suicide attempts, and completions. This randomized, double blind, double dummy, parallel-group clinical phase IV trial (CTRI/2022/11/047050) is aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of Placida® (FDC of flupentixol 0.5 mg + melitracen 10 mg) versus escitalopram + clonazepam in patients with comorbid anxiety and depression.
Methods: This is a randomized, controlled, double blind, double dummy, parallel-group, phase IV trial. A total of 440 patients was enrolled across 11 sites in India who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All the subjects will be followed up for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, and 24 weeks with a buffer period of 1 week in each visit. The patient will be checked for severity of adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs). Efficacy will be assessed using the Hamilton depression rating scale (HAM-D), Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HAM-A) at baseline, weeks 4, 8 and 16, 24 score-reduction rate from baseline to end of treatment and extrapyramidal symptom rating scale (ESRS) at week 16 and end of the study. The first enrolment was done on 26 November 2022 and presently the subjects are under follow-up stage. The anticipated completion date for the study is March 2024.
Conclusions: Outcomes of this trial will provide valuable information on safety and efficacy of Placida® as compared to escitalopram and clonazepam in treating patients with comorbid anxiety and depression.
Trial Registration: The trial is registered with clinical trial registry India (CTRI/2022/11/047050) prospectively.
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