Identifying predictive factors and developing evidence-based guidelines for promoting respectful maternal and newborn care: a mixed method multiphase study design
Respectful maternal care, Respectful newborn care, Mixed method study designAbstract
Background: Mistreatment of women during pregnancy and childbirth by healthcare workers is a common issue in both private and public sector health facilities in India. Improving the quality of maternity care in these sectors is crucial for promoting institutional births and ensuring positive birth experiences. This study aims to develop guidelines for respectful maternity care (RMC) in India through a multiphase quantitative and qualitative study.
Methods: The study will utilize a mixed methods multiphase design, which involves collecting, analyzing, and integrating both quantitative and qualitative data. This approach follows the principles of pragmatism paradigm, where the integration of different approaches enhances understanding. The quantitative data will be used to expand and explain the qualitative data collected in the first phase. The integration of both types of data will contribute to the development of new RMC guidelines.
Conclusions: This study is the first of its kind in India to develop comprehensive RMC guidelines based on a multiphase study. By exploring the experiences of Indian women regarding disrespect and abuse (D&A) during childbirth and its determinants, the study will provide valuable insights for guideline development. The integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches in the mixed method design will address potential limitations and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.
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