The transfusion-associated dyspnea prospective observation and laboratory assessment study: a protocol for investigating and disambiguating cardiopulmonary and high-grade febrile transfusion reactions in adults
Transfusion, Hemovigilance, TAD, TACO, TRALI, FeverAbstract
Background: Cardiorespiratory transfusion reactions drive most transfusion-related morbidity and mortality. Transfusion-associated circulatory overload and transfusion-related acute lung injury have established causes, important impacts, mitigation options, and revised definitions, while non-conforming CRTRs fall into a category known as transfusion-associated dyspnea. Though procedures to investigate high-risk febrile transfusion reactions are typically rooted in detecting incompatibility or bacterial contamination, a common standard for examining CRTRs is lacking. CRTRs are further challenged by charting limitations, confounding (or enhanced susceptibility) by comorbidities, and/or overlapping insults. Deeper profiling of CRTRs could improve categorizations, reveal best-value diagnostics, and decipher the nature of (and/or minimize) reactions coded as TAD.
Methods: The primary objective of this multi-center study is to reduce uncertainty in final conclusions drawn on CRTRs (cases), defined by dyspnea with objective disturbances and/or significant hemodynamic insults, with/without fever (±F). HRFTRs (controls) represent higher-grade F (T≥39°C or chills/rigors or lower-grade F (≥38°C by +Δ1°C) with non-respiratory effects). Patients (goal: 200) consent to additional sampling (≤24h post-TR) to identify contributing factors in case/control presentations, and in diagnostic groups (TRALI, TACO±F, TAD). Mechanistic axes of interest are cardiorenal, hemolytic, leukoagglutinating, biolipid, vasoactive, and inflammatory. Secondary goals include elucidation of real-life “insult-multiplicity” in CRTRs, tests of greatest yield, and distinguishing features in TRALI/TACO/TAD.
Conclusions: A deep systematic CRTR probe may not only reduce diagnostic uncertainty but frame biomarker performance and pathologic signatures in definition-specific CRTRs. The re-classifiability or biology of TAD may be better understood. High-quality, mechanistic, true-to-quantity hemovigilance better exposes burdens and management options.
Trial Registration: The trial is registered with with registry number NCT04267029.
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