Awareness, perception and outlook of oro-dental health among North Indian population: an online survey


  • Nitish Bhat Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu, India
  • Rubeena Anjum Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu, India
  • Nandini Bhardwaj Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Himachal Institute of Dental Sciences, Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Kalpna Thakur Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, H. P. Government Dental College and Hospital, Shimla, India
  • Rajesh Thakur Department of Conservative and Endodontics, H. P. Government Dental College and Hospital, Shimla, India



Oral health, Dental health, Oral health awareness, Oral hygiene


Background: Oral diseases have contributed enormously to a majority of public health problems and are highly prevalent with significant social impact. Oral health is a precious plus point and a fundamental branch of general health. In India, oral health has been ignored since a long time and people have underestimated the pitfalls of bad oral health Therefore, the aim of the study was to look upon a variety of different contusive and responsible factors which all and all relate to dental health awareness in North Indian population. Also, this study objected to consider the acquaintance, outlook, practices and perceptions of patients attending the outpatient departments of dental hospitals enrooting North India.

Methods: A self-administered structured questionnaire including demographic characteristics and oral health awareness attributes was distributed among 200 people in the age group 20-50 years using random sampling technique and the results were analyzed using percentage. The survey was cross-sectional, descriptive and hospital based and the technique was convenient sampling. SPSS version 17.0 was used to analyse the data.

Results: The result of this study shows an acute lack of oral hygiene awareness and limited knowledge of oral hygiene practices. Routine dental check-up was more commonly seen in people living in cities. In addition to this, the country side people visited the dental clinic only when they have extreme pain. Few people have the habit of oral rinsing after the meals. About 67% people used tongue cleaner and the use of interdental aids is very less and uncommon.

Conclusions: Results of this study also show that use of accessible dental service is mainly for urgent situations such as pain relief and very infrequently for regular oral health protection. There is an urgent need for comprehensive educational programs to promote good oral health and impart education about correct oral hygiene practices. Based upon these results, methodical district-oriented oral health endorsement programs are obligatory to mark the lifestyles in poles apart broad-spectrum population groups.


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Author Biographies

Nitish Bhat, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu, India

Registrar, Department of oral & maxillofacial pathology & oral microbiology, Indira Gandhi Govt. Dental college, Jammu

Rubeena Anjum, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu, India

Prof & HOD ,Department of oral & maxillofacial pathology & oral microbiology, Indira Gandhi Govt. Dental college, Jammu

Nandini Bhardwaj, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Himachal Institute of Dental Sciences, Himachal Pradesh, India

Senior Lecturer, Himachal Institute of Dental Sciences, Paonta Sahib

Kalpna Thakur, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, H. P. Government Dental College and Hospital, Shimla, India

Lecturer, Dept. of Oral Pathology and Microbiology

Rajesh Thakur, Department of Conservative and Endodontics, H. P. Government Dental College and Hospital, Shimla, India

Lecturer Dept. of Conservative and Endodontics.


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