Effect of moderate and vigorous physical exercises on serum immunoglobulins G and M of healthy male individuals in Anambra State


  • Jude A. Onuegbu Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi, Nigeria
  • Saheed Opeyemi Usman Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi, Nigeria
  • Samuel C. Meludu
  • Japhet M. Olisekodiaka




Physical exercise, ELISA, Immunoglobulin G, Immunoglobulin M


Background: Alterations in immunoglobulin levels have been implicated in physical exercises, of varying intensity and frequency. This has been largely attributed to decline in physical exercise thus predisposing many to various chronic ailments. The objective of this study was to determine and compare results of the effect of moderate and vigorous exercises on Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and Immunoglobulin M (IgM) before exercise, two weeks after exercise and four weeks after exercise.

Methods: Serum concentration of IgG and IgM of both vigorous exercise group (50 male individuals who played football for 2 hours daily for 5 days/week) and moderate exercise group (50 male individuals who played football for 30 minutes daily for 3 days/week) were determined using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. All data were expressed as Mean ± Standard Deviation (SD) and analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) while multiple comparisons were done using Post Hoc test. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used for correlational analysis.

Results: In the moderate exercise group, mean BMI was reduced while IgG was increased but not significantly at P<0.05 all through. Mean serum IgM was increased significantly at P<0.05 mostly 4 weeks after exercise as compared with the results before exercise. In the vigorous exercise group, mean BMI was decreased while mean serum IgG was increased but not significantly at P<0.05. Mean serum IgM was significantly increased all through at P<0.05.

Conclusions: Vigorous physical exercise can substantially increase fitness, but, moderate physical exercise, when performed frequently and over an extended period, produces enhanced immune response.


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How to Cite

Onuegbu, J. A., Usman, S. O., Meludu, S. C., & Olisekodiaka, J. M. (2015). Effect of moderate and vigorous physical exercises on serum immunoglobulins G and M of healthy male individuals in Anambra State. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 2(2), 47–50. https://doi.org/10.5455/2349-3259.ijct20150505



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