Randomized controlled trial of an E-learning program for physiotherapy students to improve the management of rotator cuff related shoulder pain: a study protocol





E-learning, Rotator cuff injuries, Physiotherapy education


Background: The majority of shoulder complaints are occurred due to rotator cuff pathologies. Although conservative treatments including physiotherapy are acknowledged as the first-line treatment approach in the management of shoulder pain, the uptake of physiotherapy practice is variable. One possible explanation of this could be the poor evidence-based knowledge mobilization to practice. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of an E-learning program on physiotherapy students' knowledge of evidence-based Rotator cuff-related shoulder pain (RCRSP) management and their confidence in applying this care compared to a control group.

Methods: A randomized controlled study will be carried with 146 fourth-year physiotherapy students. Students will be assigned to one of two groups: E-learning (N=73) or control (N=73). The outcomes will be: (1) RCRSP knowledge and clinical reasoning skills, and (2) self-reported confidence in RCRSP knowledge and clinical reasoning abilities. Both measurements will be held at baseline and post-intervention. 

Conclusions: This is the first trial to investigate if a specifically designed E-learning program besides a regular learning curriculum, improves students’ knowledge and self-confidence in the RCRSP management. Enhancing students’ after-graduation readiness to manage patients with RCRSP may help to allow patients access to evidence-informed physiotherapists.

Trial registration: This trial was registered on clinicalTrials.gov on 17 June 2021 (NCT04952623)


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Author Biographies

Bahar Ayberk, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

Mine Gülden Polat, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.


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