Sociodemographic profile of women with abnormal vaginal flora: a prospective study
Colposcopy, Colposcopic findings, Vaginal infectionsAbstract
Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence and association of abnormal vaginal flora with socio demographic profile of patients.
Methods: The present study was undertaken in outpatient’s department of obstetrics and gynaecology, government medical college, Patiala. We studied 300 cases with symptoms and signs of vaginal infections in the reproductive age group (15-49 years). After taking detailed history, examination and collecting samples of vaginal discharge, patients were subjected to colposcopy followed by microbiological analysis of vaginal discharge. Recorded data was analysed for prevalence and sociodemographic profile of affected women.
Results: The prevalence rate of vaginal infections was 31% among patients who had reported to us with symptoms and signs of vaginal infections. The most common micro-organism detected was B. vaginosis (BV) in 14%, C. albicans (C) in 12% and T. vaginalis (T) in 3.33%. It was analysed that association is more with 25-34 years age, low education level, lower socioeconomic status, unemployed and with married and multiparous group. White and watery discharge characteristic were found to be more common. Lower abdominal pain, dysuria and backache were the most prevalent co-morbidities associated with vaginal infections.
Conclusions: We concluded that vaginal discharge is a common gynaecological complaint and vaginal infections are an important cause of vaginal discharge thus leading to significant proportion of female morbidity in sexually active age group. Education and women’s empowerment can prove powerful methods to solve this feminine issue.
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