Association of hearing loss in the patients with treated with lamivudine: a systematic review protocol
Lamivudine, Hearing loss, Deafness, Systematic review, HIV, Hepatitis BAbstract
Background: Hearing loss has been reported with lamivudine therapy. The World Health Organization (WHO) international database of suspected adverse drug reactions (Vigibase) prioritised clinical review of lamivudine and hearing loss in 2015. This manuscript provides the details of research protocol for a systematic review of association of lamivudine with hearing loss.
Methods: English-language publications that assess hearing loss within patients who are receiving lamivudine therapy will be included. All study types like clinical trial designs, case-control study, cohort study, retrospective study, case-series or a case report will be included. Preclinical studies, studies enrolling patients with known differential diagnosis such as presbycusis etc will be excluded. Electronic databases (PubMed, Cochrane reviews, Embase and Google scholar), international clinical trials registry, and pharmaceutical company clinical study registries will be searched for key words related to lamivudine and hearing loss. After a thorough electronic/manual search of manuscript they will undergo a screening process and selected articles will be assessed for risk of bias using online ROBINS-I tool. We will explore outcomes as an observational systematic review.
Conclusions: This review will provide detailed benefit-risk analysis of lamivudine with respect to hearing loss in patients with chronic conditions such as Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection.
Trial Registration: PROSPERO registration number is CRD42018112205.0.001.
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