Archival and management of clinical trial documents


  • Mehnaaz Alam Clinosol Research Pvt Limited, Dwaraka Nagar, Visakhapatnam
  • D. Yamini Sai Nikitha Clinosol Research Pvt Limited, Dwaraka Nagar, Visakhapatnam
  • Sai Sugun Jala Paraxel, Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Gulam Khaleel Ahmed Paraxel, Hyderabad, Telangana



Trial documents, Archival, Trial master file, Electronic trial master file, ICH-GCP


Clinical trial documents are all records, in any type which incorporates written, electronic, magnetic, optical records, scans, x-rays and electrocardiograms that describe or record the strategy, conduct and results of an effort, the factors poignant an effort and the actions taken. Such a record is thought as document and method is documentation. The documents collected before, throughout and once clinical trials give proof that the study was conducted, the information collected is correct and valid which the investigator and sponsor conducted the trial in line with ICH GCP tips is thought as Trial master file. because of exaggerated quality of studies, particularly medical specialty studies, and therefore the issue managing paper TMF’s for various departments, most organizations have moved to eTMF. Archiving may be a key demand to guage post trial observance and analysis and to facilitate any analysis before initiation of an effort and deposit strategy should be developed. It includes the subsequent parts documents to be archived, amount of archiving, location, retrieval or access of archived documents, disaster recovery, procedure of clinical knowledge archiving, archiving by an ethics committee, archiving by the investigator. Archiving of trial documents helps to store knowledge safely and firmly for future use with facilities like secure systems and e-back up.


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How to Cite

Alam, M., Sai Nikitha, D. Y., Jala, S. S., & Ahmed, G. K. (2021). Archival and management of clinical trial documents. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 8(1), 101–110.



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