A retrospective study of clinical profile of stroke patients from GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Gandhinagar, Gujarat


  • Chirayu V. Vaidya Department of Medicine, GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Gandhinagar-382012, Gujarat, India
  • Drusty K. Majmudar Department of Radiodiagnosis, AMC MET Medical College, Ahmedabad-380008, Gujarat, India




Cerebrovascular stroke, Ischemic stroke, Hemorrhagic stroke


Background: The cerebrovascular stroke is one of the leading causes of morbidity & mortality in adult life. After coronary heart disease & cancer of all types, stroke is the third commonest cause of death worldwide. Indian studies have shown a stroke prevalence of 471.58/100000 population. The objective was to study the clinical presentation, risk factors, neurological presentation, pattern of brain strokes, areas of brain affected as per CT scan findings in pts GMERS medical college and hospital Gandhinagar.

Methods: This is a retrospective study of all new patients managed for stroke in the medical ward of GMERS medical college and hospital, Gandhinagar, Gujarat from January1, 2012 to December 31, 2013.

Results: The cerebrovascular strokes are more common in males (59.7%) than females (40.3%). Most common age group was 61-70 years (32.8%). Most common clinical feature was hemiplegia (72.6%). Most common risk factor was Hypertension (34%) followed by past h/o cerebrovascular stroke (15%), smoking (14%), dyslipidemia (13%). Most common type of stroke was ischemic (74.6%) & hemorrhagic was 2nd (22.9%). In ischemic stroke most common involved areas were parietal (33.7%), frontal (16.7%). In hemorrhagic stroke most common site was thalamus (24.7%) followed by ventricular (17.5%).

Conclusions: The cerebrovascular stroke cases were having male predominance with Hypertension was the most common risk factor and most common type of stroke was ischemic.


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How to Cite

Vaidya, C. V., & Majmudar, D. K. (2014). A retrospective study of clinical profile of stroke patients from GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 1(2), 62–66. https://doi.org/10.5455/2349-3259.ijct20140805



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