Agreements in clinical studies at German university clinics
Clinical trials, Clinical studies, Agreement, CDA, MTA, Grant agreement, Clinical study agreement, Services agreementAbstract
The article aims to give an overview of the contractual situation in Germany, which arise in clinical studies. The goal of the authors is to show any potential sponsor of a clinical study, who is interested in cooperation with German partners such as universities or other study sites, what kind of agreements may be expected and to give a brief overview about necessary themes included within the contractual negotiations. The different contractual settings are considered from the perspective each different type of agreement. The authors have chosen amongst all possible types the ones which are the most common in a clinical study, such as CDA, MTA, grant agreement, clinical study agreement, CRO-service agreement etc. The authors show the complexity of the contractual setting of a clinical study and emphasize to pay close attention to the contractual settings. Even though the content of the agreement is mostly universal in nature, in some cases, Germany has some very special rules (e.g. regarding employees’ inventions), which any potential sponsor should keep in mind.
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