Clinical study of community acquired pneumonia at MNR medical college and hospital, Sangareddy
Community acquired pneumonia, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, DyspnoeaAbstract
Background: This study is done to study the clinical profile of community acquired pneumonia in patients admitted in medical wards at MNR Hospital, Sangareddy and to find out the associated risk factors of community acquired pneumonia.
Methods: 75 Patients admitted in the department of medicine of MNR Medical college and Hospital, Sangareddy with clinical manifestations of Community acquired pneumonia from august 2012 to January 2015 (Two years and 6 months) were taken into the study. All adult patients of both genders aged above 14 yrs, who presented with acute onset of fever associated with chills and rigors, having cough with expectoration and/ or chest pain and breathlessness were included in the study. All the patients were subjected for detailed clinical examination to make a provisional diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia (CAP). Patients with hospital acquired pneumonia, aspiration pneumonia and PCP pneumonia in patients with HIV were excluded.
Results: Among 75 cases studied, the mean patient age was 52.1 years with Male: Female patient ratio 3.17:1. The associated diseases in this study are COPD (30.67%) and DM (12.0%).The most common presenting symptoms were fever (100%), cough (100%), and expectoration (100%); other symptoms included chest pain (60%), dyspnoea (61.33%). The respiratory signs included bronchial breath sounds, increased VF and VR, and presence of whispering pectorolique in all subjects.
Conclusions: Identification and determining the clinical patterns of community acquired pneumonia helps in adoption of regionally optimized diagnostic approach.Metrics
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