Effect of eating frequency on prediabetes status: a self-controlled preventive trial


  • Jagannath V. Dixit Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
  • Sanjiv Indurkar Practicing Diabetologist, Indurkar Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India




Effect, Eating frequency, Prediabetes


Background: National diabetes data group (NDDG) first introduced the concept of a metabolic state intermediate between normal glucose homeostasis and diabetes, called glucose intolerance. The expert committee on the diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus extended the concept in 1997 to include patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and those with impaired glucose intolerance (IGT) and referred it as prediabetes. The rationale of the study is that if a person will eat only twice in the day, the insulin secretion will be less which will reduce the fasting insulin levels which are a proxy for prediabetes status.

Methods: This is a self-controlled preventive trial. The study was conducted from 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017. Prediabetes was diagnosed when person had HbA1C from 5.7 to 6.4. The participants with HbA1C level from 5.7 to 6.4 were included in the study. The participants were advised to eat twice in the day and walk 4.5 km in 45 minutes every day, at least 5 days a week. They were asked to repeat HbA1C and fasting insulin after 3 months. Sample size calculated was 38. The parameters used for evaluation were HbA1C and fasting insulin.

Results: There were 33 males and 15 females in the study population. It was seen that there was significant reduction in HbA1C and fasting insulin levels of prediabetes patients. This difference was statistically significant with p value less than 0.01. All prediabetics converted to non-diabetic state in three months period.  

Conclusions: Eating twice a day and walking 4.5 km in 45 minutes every day causes statistically significant reduction in HbA1C and fasting insulin levels in patients with prediabetes. It was seen that all 48 participants converted to non-diabetic state within a period of 3 months.


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Author Biographies

Jagannath V. Dixit, Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Professor and Head,

Department of Community Medicine

Sanjiv Indurkar, Practicing Diabetologist, Indurkar Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Owner of Indurkar Hospital


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How to Cite

Dixit, J. V., & Indurkar, S. (2017). Effect of eating frequency on prediabetes status: a self-controlled preventive trial. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 4(4), 171–175. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3259.ijct20174118



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