The impact of rater training on clinical outcomes assessment data: a literature review


  • Michael E. Sadler eResearch Technology, 500 Rutherford Ave., Boston, MA, United States
  • Rinah T. Yamamoto eResearch Technology, 500 Rutherford Ave., Boston, MA, United States
  • Laura Khurana eResearch Technology, 500 Rutherford Ave., Boston, MA, United States
  • Susan M. Dallabrida eResearch Technology, 500 Rutherford Ave., Boston, MA, United States



Rater training, Clinical trials, Reliability, Accuracy


Rater training is a well-recognized approach to minimizing inaccuracy and variability in clinical outcomes assessments common in clinical trials. However, there is a dearth of empirical research on the types of rater training and qualifications that contribute to improved accuracy, inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability. Herein, we discuss the need for rater training in clinical trials and review publications that report data on rater characteristics, training modalities and outcomes in terms of accuracy and reliability of clinical outcomes data. 



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Author Biography

Michael E. Sadler, eResearch Technology, 500 Rutherford Ave., Boston, MA, United States

Scientific Advisor


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How to Cite

Sadler, M. E., Yamamoto, R. T., Khurana, L., & Dallabrida, S. M. (2017). The impact of rater training on clinical outcomes assessment data: a literature review. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 4(3), 101–110.



Review Articles