PROMIS® tools as endpoints in clinical trials: what should you know? A review of PROMIS® capabilities and the current regulatory space


  • Huda Shalhoub ERT, 500 Rutherford Ave, Boston, MA, USA
  • Matthew Reaney ERT, 500 Rutherford Ave, Boston, MA, USA



Endpoint, PROMIS, Item banks, Patient reported outcomes, Regulatory, Clinical trial


NIH funded PROMIS measures are increasingly at the forefront of discussions in clinical trial endpoint measurement. In the US alone, 242 clinical trials have included PROMIS measures 2016. Regulatory agencies also recently appear to have more interest in the applications and interpretations of PROMIS tools. This paper provides an overview of the PROMIS tools, how and when they can be used, how they are scored, what modalities exist and what considerations one should make before choosing to use a PROMIS instrument. PROMIS spans across a wide range of areas ranging from mental, physical and social health status, from short form to profile instruments, and to electronic IRT scoring based methods. Psychometric properties measurement testing in a few therapeutic areas has also been evident and continues to develop. The regulatory agency and governmental bodies continue to focus their efforts on having a more profound understanding of the application and use of this patient reported toolbox. PROMIS measures are promising for use within the context of clinical trials, but stakeholders should prudently consider their use, thinking about both the pros and cons. It is likely that for endpoint measurement, PROMIS tools may be used on a case by case basis, but that a consideration of additional disease specific instruments may be recommended.


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Author Biography

Huda Shalhoub, ERT, 500 Rutherford Ave, Boston, MA, USA


Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Shalhoub, H., & Reaney, M. (2016). PROMIS® tools as endpoints in clinical trials: what should you know? A review of PROMIS® capabilities and the current regulatory space. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 3(4), 174–179.



Review Articles