Effects of antenatal pelvic floor preparation techniques on the perineal integrity: a randomized controlled trial protocol
Pelvic diaphragm, Perineal trauma, Natural birth, Physical therapyAbstract
Background: The objective of the present study was to compare the effects of perineal massage, vaginal dilator and pelvic floor muscles training on the perineal integrity of primiparae women.
Methods: Primigravidae women over 18 years old will be selected, from the 32th gestational week and wishing to have a vaginal delivery.Pregnant women will be randomly allocated from a sequence generated by a computer program into three groups: perineal massage, vaginal dilator and pelvic floor muscles training. The technique should be practiced from the 34th week of pregnancy until the beginning of labor. Randomization will be done by a researcher who was not involved with the recruitment, assessment and treatment of the participants. All participants will undergo a clinical and functional assessment of the pelvic floor before the beginning of the technique practice, as well as a reassessment of these items and an assessment of perineal integrity between 45 and 60 days after delivery for a blind physiotherapist regarding the interventional procedures. The evaluative procedures will be done by a ‘blinded’ physiotherapist in relation to the intervention procedures. The outcome will be determined by the perineal integrity by the presence or absence of perineal laceration as well as their characteristics observed immediately after delivery.
Conclusions: The knowledge of the effects of antenatal pelvic floor preparation techniques on the perineal integrity and pelvic floor muscles function after delivery, will allow a better choice about which approach is the best to pregnant women to prevent perineal trauma.
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