Bioclinical stress of Rogor pesticide in the fish Amphipnous cuchia


  • Brijendra Pratap Mishra Mayo institute of Medical Sciences, Faizabad Road, Gadia, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Mohan Lal Kanojia Mayo institute of Medical Sciences, Faizabad Road, Gadia, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Sajjan Lal Verma Mayo institute of Medical Sciences, Faizabad Road, Gadia, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Jhansi Lakshmi Lingidi Mayo institute of Medical Sciences, Faizabad Road, Gadia, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India



Rogor pesticide, Pesticide toxicity, Aspartate transferase, Alanine transferase, TLC, Hematocrit


Background: The impact of acute and sub lethal toxicity of synthetic Rogor on some biochemical and hematological parameters of a fish Amphipnous cuchia was estimated aquatic environment by various pollutants like pesticides, detergents, discharge of effluents and heavy metals induce changes in the biochemical, hematological and behavioral aspects of inhabitants. These pollutants cause serious effects on growth, biochemistry, physiology, neurochemistry and survival rate of the aquatic organism.

Methods: The present research work is one such attempt to investigate the effect of organophosphorous pesticide Rogor on biochemical and hematological parameters of fish Amphipnous cuchia. The main objective of this study was to investigate the level of AST, ALT, hematocrit and TLC in fish Amphipnous cuchia exposed 24 to 96 hours to four different concentrations of Rogor pesticide.

Results: Rogor toxicity resulted in a significant maximum increase (89.15%) in level of aspartate amino transferase (7.87±0.14/18.31±0.09) and alanine amino transferase (76.65%, 5.28±0.11/3.03±0.14) enzyme. Regarding to hematological parameter, significant maximum increase (77.12%) in total leukocyte count (27,400±298/15,470±286) and maximum decrease (66.07%) in hematocrit (6.20±0.04 /18.31±0.09) level was observed.  

Conclusions: In this study it is concluded that exposure to sublethal/lethal concentration of Rogor results in a significant alterations in different biochemical and hematological parameters and this kind of biochemical and physiological changes may directly affect the survivability of these fishes in these natural habitat.


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How to Cite

Mishra, B. P., Kanojia, M. L., Verma, S. L., & Lingidi, J. L. (2016). Bioclinical stress of Rogor pesticide in the fish Amphipnous cuchia. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 3(3), 159–164.



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